Interfaith Vs Same faith in a Relationship ??

Last week Thursday, I had a live radio show – which was literally my first time (like a dream come true as I had always wanted to be a radio presenter ??) -and on that show, I and my co-host talked intensively about “Interfaith in a relationship” and I would like to know your thoughts on this as well, comment down below, thanks ?.

Faiths in Relationship SUMMARY

So, here is a summary of the points we laid out to our listeners;

First of all, you must know that one man’s meat is another man’s poison and you do not have to agree to anything I lay out here for you, okay?

Secondly, there are relationship out there that couldn’t make it through the first date or even the first month because of the faith of their supposed partner.

While there are other relationships that led to marriages out there that are moving stronger and stronger day by day despite their different faiths (religion).

My point here is,

that the stereotype that only two same faith people can make a relationship work perfectly is FLAWED.

if you truly love a person that is not of your faith, it doesn’t really matter if she’s Christian/Muslim and you are not,

it just depends on you and if your heart is telling you that she is the one for you and also if you are willing to make it work.

Here are some comments of some people that may agree with this;

Relationship Guides
From a Muslim friend to you 🙂
Relationship Goals
Yup, it is what it is!
Relationship Faiths
If you don’t know the story of Ruth… she was a Moabite (apparently a different faith too) woman and her husband a Jewish man (now imagine)

So, among all these comments,

I also got a few more from people who were on the other end of the line and it is very okay as they know their strengths, their flaws, and doctrine dogmas and it is totally fine, I may also agree with these people… check it out below;

Guidnece of love
Yup! Isn’t this interesting?
Uh-huh, they could be goners! But what do you think?


In conclusion, if you want to make it work, it is very possible.

Here are three tips that might be of help to you;

  • PARTICIPATE IN EACH OTHER’S FAITH ( it shows support and care) e.g. grand holidays and festivals!

With this, I draw the curtains and say until next time dear reader,

Thank you!

For always keeping on and reading my content, Thank you for always smiling and making the world a better place. be happy, keep smiling?❤!

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