love letters

PODCAST: Introduction To My Secret Love Letters ❤.

Hey lovely, good day to you from my side!

Did I tell you yet? I have started my own podcast which is already launched and online?.

Why am I letting you know about this?

Well, it’s simple! I don’t want you my dear reader to miss out on the exciting things I have got planned for my listeners.

For instance, I have just published the introduction of an amazing series called “My Secret Love Letters.”

“My Secret Love Letters” is a series where I will be reading out some of my best and favorite Love Letters I wrote to someone but haven’t and may never share with this person face to face.

My secret love letters
My secret love letters

However, I would like to take this medium to welcome you to my thoughts where I will be sharing this part of me with you every week (hopefully ?)!

Here’s one of the love letters I said???… If you want to listen to this instead, click here!

My secret love letters

The time they say will heal
Time will make everything clearer and… clearer
And when that time comes, we would know it; whether you and i were a deep matter or not.
Whether any of that (relationship), had any meaning.

Hmm, I know it will come.
But, when it does… whatever it reveals,
Know this;
“what we had was real” and my feelings were true.

I loved you, always & together 🙂

So, how was that?

That was just the beginning of so much more! Check out more of my love quotes here!

With that being said, don’t forget to Be happy, smile?!

2 thoughts on “PODCAST: Introduction To My Secret Love Letters ❤.”

  1. Pingback: A Short Love Story - Once Upon A Moment (E01) ? -

  2. Pingback: Let's Talk About Single Life: What Does It Really Mean To Be Single ?? -

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